Saturday, December 17, 2005

First 16 Presidents

I've been using StudyTag to learn the first 16 Presidents of the United State and when they were in office. Already I can see the benefits in how I think about and remember history from that period of time. I definately have reinforced in myself the fundamental idea that in order to think you first need some facts and data to think about. Now ask me questions about the American Civil war and I've already come up with some interesting ideas of factors that may have contributed to its outbreak. Nothing earth shaking mind you, but something I never would have noticed if I hadn't memorized the American Presidents and their years in office. Why don't you try learning the American Presidents and see what new ideas you think of once you have something to think about?

Along the way to studying the presidents I learned this interesting bit of presidential trivia I just had to share:

John Tyler, 10th President of the United States
Tyler was the father of 15 children, more than any other President before or after him. His youngest child, Pearl, died 100 years, 1 week, and 6 days after the death of his eldest daughter, Mary.

Imagine that, the 11th President of the United States, who took office in 1841, had a daughter who live until 1947!

Friday, December 02, 2005

More Presidents

All 43 of the American Presidents have been added as lessons to StudyTag. In the process we have discovered a few guideline we think may hold up for the long term.

1. Keep the number of facts in a lesson between 8 to 12.

2. A daily review for a lesson should take less than 1 minute.

3. Have each lesson list every other lesson in the set on its start and end screen. For example there are 11 lessons in the set of lessons on US presidents. On each start and end page we list all of the other 10 lessons so members can easily find them. We also list a single group where all of the lessons have been added.

Over time I expect we will refine these ideas further.