Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Milestone 17 Released

Milestone 17 is officially out the door and on the server. We have also detailed the next two milestones (they are smaller) and should be completed before the end of the year.

More of what was added in Milestone 17:

  1. "My activity report" to the "members" sub-menu to display a summary of the tests taken by the user.

  2. Student accounts for parents and teachers. Currently being tested by staff, this will be available to the public in Milestone 18.

  3. A certified content label (a check mark) and the ability for staff to certify and uncertify lessons.

  4. Staff user status display at the top line of User Profile and User Trophy Room. Status includes: Staff, Active, Frozen.

  5. Global editing capabilities for all published content for Staff users.

  6. Ability to freeze and unfreeze accounts by Staff users.

  7. A display of the outline of the lesson in Introduction Mode. The outline lists readings and questions.

  8. We expanded the BBCODE reference to include (GoogleVideo, YouTube, smily, color, user, today's assignments).

  9. Help, at the top of the page after Settings "Settings | Help | Logout". This link takes the user to the Help page.

  10. Use chat board.

  11. Automated registration email confirmation and reminder notifications for watched forums and assignments.

  12. Ability to display google adwords ads on session start and end pages and on profiles.

  13. Special characters into facts and readings.

  14. Fill in the blank question with a special blank within the question.

  15. A GUI for advanced options for editing a lesson.

  16. Improved Lesson and Facts wizards.

  17. Editor for source documents. These documents are marked up to include facts and readings but keeps the original source material in tact. Bascially a fast way to create a lesson from existing source materials.

  18. Content manager for display documents (About, License, ..., Terms of Use)
Our internal list contained 49 line items. We continue to improve StudyTag for you. Look forward to great new content and features in the near future!


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