StudyTag Answers
There is hope for educational software. That hope entails using technology for what it is really amazingly good at, that is:
1. Its ability to remember massive amounts of minute detail about massive numbers of students.
2. Its ability to be endlessly patient.
3. Its ability to customize a unique experience for each individual student.
StudyTag is focused on leveraging these abilities in a manner that engages and educates the students without needlessly boring them.
It is possible for StudyTag to quickly test each individual students knowledge about a subject and then provide a customized review plan to fill in the gaps of that students knowledge. However, for this to work teachers must first answer the question "What should the student actually know to have mastered this material?" and "How much of this material should the student really remember for the rest of their life?"
If a history teacher is convinced that it is valuable for a student to know the names of each American President and their time in office, then that can be entered into the StudyTag system and each student can learn those facts at a comfortable pace for them. In fact, that Group has already been entered into StudyTag, so all the teacher has to do is assign the lessons to the students and StudyTag does the rest.
Computers can have endless patience in helping each individual student learn the next President. Computers don't get impatient. Computers have no need to move on to the next topic. Time to leverage that ability. Time to start using StudyTag. Do you know the American Presidents?