Our pre-alpha release is live. There are still multiple features to add before we complete the alpha release, but they should be complete this January and we wanted to start getting feedback from friends and family now. If you are part of this pre-alpha party then send me a note and I'll invite you to the Public Content group where you can see some of the examples I'll be talking about in these entries.
The best way to being is to take a lesson and create a lesson, or at least author a few facts. I'll describe a few features about the question editor.
We don't actually write questions in StudyTag, rather we write simple statements of facts that StudyTag can automatically turn into multiple different question types (True/False, Multiple Choice, Fill In the Blank). So, in StudyTag, write facts not questions. For example:
"George Washington was born in the colony of Virginia."
Is a simple statement of fact. To use StudyTag's
automated generate a question capability carefully select the text Virginia with the following tags '[var]Virginia[/var]' Virginia is now marked as the variable in this question.
Based on the text selected as a variable, you next need to select foils. Foils is text that we replace your variable with to create a False statement. Foils for the above statement may be:
Maryland, New York, North Carolina
Write them in the foils section separated by a comma. Lastly you can add additional acceptable answers.
Acceptable Answers are other answers that we will also accept. If you had a statement of fact that "In 1775 there were thirteen American colonies" and "thirteen" was the variable and acceptable answer would be "13". If you had a statement "John Quincy Adams was the sixth president of the United States" and "John Quincy Adams" was the variable and acceptable answer may be "John Adams", "John Q. Adams", and "John Q Adams".
Currently in StudyTag, if you spell an answer wrong, your answer is wrong. We could change that, but should we?