Sunday, January 15, 2006

Non-judgmental Learning

StudyTag helps us learn the facts we want to know, quizzes us on these facts, and learns how well we know them. In doing this StudyTag is non-judgmental. It doesn't care if the student doesn't initially know the facts they want to learn. It doesn't care if it takes the student 1 exposure to the material or 100. The system doesn't judge the student. Rather StudyTag simply tracks progress and displays tangible evidence of achievements made.

I say this for parents and teachers so don't judge the students either. As long as the student is spending the few minutes a day StudyTag requires for memory work please try not to judge the student. Some students will learn the facts really fast, and others really slow. The beauty of StudyTag is that each student can learn at a pace that is appropriate for them. As long as they are putting in the time don't judge, simply encourage!


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